‘eh’ to rhyme with ‘net’ not ‘pay’ | ‘oh’ to rhyme with ‘hot’ not ‘cold’ | ‘s’ as in ‘soft’
Take particular note of the pronunciation of the following:
te = teh NOT tay; dominum = do-mee-noom NOT do-mi-num; aeternum = eh-tair-noom NOT ay-tair-num
For a full guide to Latin pronunciation click here
Te Deum laudamus: te Dominum confitemur. | Teh deh-oom lau-dah-moos: teh do-mee-noom con-fee-teh-moor. |
Te aeternum Patrem omnis terra veneratur. | Teh eh-tair-noom pah-trem om-nees ter-rah veh-neh-rah-toor. |
Tibi omnes Angeli, tibi caeli et universae potestates: | Tee-bee om-nehs ahn-jeh-lee, tee-bee cheh-lee eht oo-nee-ver-say poh-tes-tah-tehs: |
Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim incessabili voce proclamant: | Tee-bee keh-roo-beem eht seh-rah-feem een-ches-sah-bee-lee voh-cheh pro-klah-mahnt: |
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth; | Sahnc-toos, sahnc-toos, sahnc-toos do-mee-noos deh-oos sah-bah-oht; |
Pleni sunt caeli et terra majestatis gloriae tuae. | Pleh-nee soont cheh-lee eht ter-rah mah-yes-tah-tees glo-ree-eh too-eh. |
Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus, | Teh glo-ree-oh-soos a-pos-toh-lo-room kor-roos, |
Te Prophetarum laudabilis numerus, | Teh proh-feh-tar-room lau-dah-bee-lees noo-meh-roos, |
Te Martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus. | Teh mar-tee-room kahn-dee-dah-toos lau-daht ex-er-chee-toos. |